Cape Town’s spectacular mountainous landscape | Tunde Folawiyo

Whilst Cape Town has plenty of fantastic restaurants, boutiques, bars and museums, it is its magnificent scenery which draws most people to it. Frequent visitors to this destination, like Tunde Folawiyo, will be aware of the breathtaking mountainous scenery which can be found here. In this article, we’ll be discussing two must-see outdoor attractions- Lion’s Head, and Devil’s Peak.

Tunde FolawiyoLion’s Head is a mountain which can be found inside the city’s National Park; stretching 2195 feet above sea level; it’s a challenge to trek, even for those who in good physical condition. However, the views from the top make the effort worthwhile; upon reaching its highest point, you’ll be treated to the sight of Table Bay, the Atlantic Ocean and Cape Town city below. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also use this peak as a jumping-off point for paragliding; the winds around this area are consistently strong, making it the ideal spot for this particular activity. There are several paragliding schools in the city, and trips can easily be arranged.

The scenery along the trail is equally lovely – as you make your way up the path, you’ll come across plenty of unusual flora, much of which is endemic, including the extremely rare ‘fynbos’ vegetation. There are several trails leading up to the top of Lion’s Head; however, most people choose to begin at Signal Hill, and follow the gravel road until it becomes a single pathway. It should take approximately 90 minutes to reach the top.

Tunde FolawiyoDevil’s Peak lies to the north-east of Lion’s Head, and at 3280 feet high, is considerably taller. Whilst hikers will love this scenic part of Cape Town, rock climbers are better off sticking to Table Mountain. Although climbing is not forbidden at Devil’s Peak, it is discouraged, as the granite here is quite unstable. Tunde Folawiyo, and others who regularly visit Cape Town may know that the best route for hiking here is Newlands ravine; there’s little risk of getting lost, as the trail is well-worn and easy to follow, and moreover, the views along the way are wonderful.

More challenging routes can be found in Els Ravine and Dark Gorge; however, these are considered to be dangerous, and are best left unexplored, unless you are a very experienced hiker. Like Lion’s Head, Devil’s Peak is home to a vast array of rare vegetation; along your journey, you’re likely to spot lots of interesting flora, including the endangered Peninsula Shale Renosterveld, as well as the carnivorous plant, Drosera Cisiflora.

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